Configuring AWS Resources Autodiscovery

Published on March 29th, 2022


Roadie has the capability to automatically ingest resources from AWS. This is done by automatic discovery and currently ingests all configured resource types per AWS region.

This guide describes how to set up Roadie to access your specific AWS resources and automatically ingest them.

Step 1: Get the roadie IAM details

Navigate to Administration > Settings > AWS Resources and make a note of the Roadie backend role ARN and account ID. This is mentioned on the title text of the AWS Resources integration settings page.

Step 2: Create a federated role in your account for Roadie

Follow the steps here to create the role.

The role needs to follow this naming convention arn:aws:iam::*:role/<your-tenant-name>-roadie-read-only-role where matches your organisation’s name used in the url of your Roadie instance.

You’ll need to attach policies to the role to be able to retrieve information about the resources you want ingested. The supported resources and their needed policies are listed in a table at the end of this page. You can use the same role for multiple resource types as long as the needed permissions are granted to it.

For quick experimentation, you can use AWS<ResourceType>ReadOnlyAccess policies provided by AWS, but the best practice is to allow only specific needed operations.

If you are using AWS CloudFormation, there is a linked CloudFormation template on the AWS Resources Configuration page which can be used to generate the needed assumable role.

Step 3: Configure your Roadie instance to use the new role

AWS Resources config

On the AWS Resources settings page Administration > Settings > AWS Resources in Roadie click Add Item. Here you can select the type of resource you want to be ingested. The possible options are listed in the table at the bottom of the page.

After choosing a resource, you need to define the role (created in step 2 above) to be used to ingest these resources, as well as the AWS region to use and the optional External ID configured for the role

After the role configuration is done, you can click the ‘Test Role’ button to check if the role is assumable by Roadie.

Resources and needed permissions

The table below lists the permissions required of the assumable role in order for the Catalog to ingest those resource types.

Resource Description AWS Policy Action(s)
lambda-function AWS Lambda Functions lambda:ListFunctions
eks-cluster AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service Clusters eks:ListClusters, eks:DescribeCluster
s3-bucket AWS Simple Storage Service Buckets s3:ListBucket, s3:ListAllMyBuckets
dynamodb-table AWS DynamoDB tables dynamodb:ListTables, dynamodb:DescribeTable
ec2-instance AWS Elastic Compute Cloud instances ec2:DescribeInstances
rds-db-instance AWS Relational Database Service instances rds:DescribeDBInstances

You can expand the code snippet below to show an example policy document for the AWS role. You can add additional statement blocks into the policy document where multiple role policy actions are required.

Needed minimal policy
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "RoadieAllowPolicy",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"